Beat the Holiday Bloat!

Get Ahead of the Holiday Bloat and Avoid an IBS Flare-Up!

It's the time to indulge and enjoy, so while you enjoy the extra sugar cookie this coming week here are some steps you can take now to beat the looming post holiday bloat and stay healthy!

1. Get moving!

Go for a jog or fast walk and get moving. Take a post dinner walk to check out the Christmas lights or squeeze in some counter push ups while you cook. The blood flow will work wonders for how you feel and look.

2. Sleep 8 Hours.

Travel, hectic schedules, sleeping on your high school twin bed or an air mattress, late night gift wrapping or in my case a toddler who suddenly hates sleep, the holidays are exhausting. Get those 8 hours of sleep  to avoid getting sick in the aftermath. Sleep is also proven to help your waistline. Trouble winding down, falling asleep or staying asleep? Our Sleep Solution can help.
natural sleep remedy

3. Drink all the water.

Drink at least half your body weight in water everyday. Hydration is key to shedding the extra puff.

4. Take a probiotic and IBSolution to get your gut health back in check.

Expedite the de-puffing, cleansing and bounce back with this power pack duo.
gut health

5. Add a high quality Multi-Vitamin. 

Getting all your essential nutrients can be hard at this time. The pre-holiday craze followed by the abundance of imbalanced meals likely won't hit ideal levels of vitamins and minerals. Bridge the gap with our brand new, immunity and energy boosting men's and women's multi-vitamin formulas.

multi vitamins

Build a custom bundle to help you stay on track and save up to 25% off your order when you add any of our amazing products to your IBSolution order. Check it out here.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday (although likely different this year) and wishing you a happy, healthy 2021!


Lindsay - Co-Owner and Founder, Super Naturals Health

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